Ongoing Research

Multi-Criterion Steiner Travelling Salesman Problem

Bi-criterion tours which visit a set of terminals while minimizing distance and turns are ideal for logistics companies. These routes are fuel-efficient, environment-friendly, and safer since they avoid stopping at junctions. We proposed a new local search heuristic and compared its performance against an Integer Programming formulation. Current work includes developing a more sophisticated heuristic for the problem.

Reverse Logistic Network Design for Circular Economy

The research aims to find the optimal location and state (open / closed / whether expansion is needed) for wood waste recycling centres. The aim is to minimize the cost of the whole recycle process following several environmental, logistical, and demand constraints. A scenario-based Mixed Integer Linear Program was developed based on earlier studies. Further, an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search based heuristic was proposed for the problem. Current work includes testing on real data from CRD industries in Quebec, Canada, and improving the neighborhoods.